Monday, June 27, 2011

...cloudy ideas

when you were just a little kid did you ever just lie down on the grass and look up at all those big white fluffy clouds? its like you could just reach up and touch them and theyd feel like soft cotton. WOW! you could see sooooo much neat stuff in those clouds like animals and ghosts and funny faces and angles and whatever you could imagine.

writing ideas are like cloud watching. sometimes we get a idea but its cloudy and floats through our head and we just cant see a shape. thats a cloudy idea. sometimes it gets a real neat shape and we know just what it is and what were gonna write. some clouds just keep floating and get mixed up with other ones and just float outta our head.

the cloud you write bout could still change its shape once you get going cause coulds could do that with a little change of wind and weather. weathers your writing partner cause its what gets your story moving and changing and keeps it interesting and exciting. you still got that basic shape but you could help it change and it could change itself when youre writing. its like youre a weatherman cause you could pretty much predict whats gonna happen but lots of times mother nature could fool you.

go look!
i go out lots and lie down in the grass and look up at those neat clouds. it gets me feeling lazy and makes me close to nature. makes me happy. did you find shapes in clouds when you were a kid? now cause you know how cool it is are you gonna go do it and have some fun? i hope so. you could do it by yourself or with your kids or any one. its soooooo much fun! it could get your imagination moving and guess what? maybe you could even get a real cool story idea out of those clouds. WOW! how cool is that!

cool cloud stuff
guess what? in the united kingdom theres a group called the cloud appreciation society! they got 26285 members that live in 89 different countries. yep! theres people that didnt ever grow up and still love watching clouds. they even got a book called cloud collectors handbook and they got a cloud shop where you could get post cards and clothes and art. they got a cool photo gallery and cloud chat and music to watch clouds by. wow! talk bout cloud ocd!! for sure i gotta ask miss sarah fine bout that! (shes a cool psychologist writer blogger) if you wanna see their web page go here. its fun looking around it and for sure check out their picture gallery. its got all kinds of cool cloud pictures.

cool cloud pics
mostly i like the ones that look like stuff specially animals. heres some of my most favorite ones. could you tell what they look like?
hooray for clouds!

…hugs from lenny

Thursday, June 09, 2011

...sunshiny thanks!!!

i gotta tell you for a while i been feeling gloomed and doomed and some ugly grey clouds been hanging round me. ack! then on last friday i got bunches of emails from my blogger friends that mostly said “hey lenny go look at my blog cause i did a special post for you.” i got scratching my head and thinking “huh?” i went and looked.

YIKES!!!! the whole blogosphere was exploding out in sunshine!!! i had to put on my sunglasses cause it was soooooo bright. ha ha. it was raining love all over the place and… all that love was for me! :) i got crying BIG tears for feeling so cared about and loved. i got all covered up in warm sunshine and it got swirling round inside me and got right down deep in my heart and thats where its gonna stay forever. now all that gloomy doomy stuff got faded out and im full up of sunshine.

now im saying a zillion BIG THANKS to all my cool blogger friends that did those sunshiny posts and all the ones who did the most nice comments on them and all the ones that didnt know me and came at my blog and did a nice comment on my mom post and some that got following me. you cant never know how much special and loved you got me feeling. for sure i love just every one of you soooooo much!
HOORAY for the most fantastical blogger friends in the whole wide world!
SUNSHINE RULES!!  wow! how cool is that!!
…love and big sunshiny hugs from lenny